It’s me!

This world is not my home, and i want to invite you along for the journey

Lately, I have realized I am on a quest. This life, that seems so real, so demanding, so urgent has been revealed for what it really is…


This site is a conglomeration of lessons I’m learning in the kingdom of Light. It’s documentation of the rhythms in my home, and how my dear Father is leading me on this faith journey by renewing my mind and making my faith real, durable and resilient. My desire would be that you could also experience the warmth of this Light in your life, and that together we could create a community of believers who walk by the Spirit, encouraging one another in this fallen, broken, temporary exile. Let us sojourn together, so loving one another that worldlings would be captivated by the difference they see among us.

I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother and friend. I am bold and different. My presence is large and intimidating, I’ve been told. I am animated and passionate. Apparently, I can yell with my eyes without raising my voice. I am a teacher from birth, by gifting, and through training. The truth finds me, and I can pull it from the most reluctant of people. I like systems and organization. I enjoy a good list. I don’t know how to not go deep with people in conversation. Reading is a hobby, gift and skill I possess. My hope bears some scars, and my faith has grit to it. I have been tested and tried, disciplined and chastised. I believe in every encounter, Jesus is here, now. I reside in the temporary and eternal realms simultaneously. I know what it means to belong, to be accepted and welcomed. I live through the truth of being chosen, accepted, holy and free from accusation. Thankfully, the One who made me knows me and loves me, and is teaching me to live locked in His gaze. I don’t expect your rhythms to be mine; I just want you to know you have a Father who desires to dance, walk, sit, or run with you along the byways of this life and live through your particular uniqueness. You are a treasure. Listen for His invitations and sync up to His cadence and find yourself basking in the acceptance of His forever tender, always faithful Father-gaze.

If you are weary and tired, troubled or burned-out, hurt or abandoned, you are welcome here. Alternately, if you have it together, feel like you’re on top of the world and living your best life, you are also welcome here. Together, let’s turn our eyes upon Jesus and look full in His wonderful face. Then, the things of this temporary world will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.