
April 12 Wednesday Weeping

This week’s sorrow

Last week, I posted thoughts on lament here. And I talked about the importance of the Psalms. It is my hope to create space each week to bring our sorrows before our Father and one another.

The anguish

I am so sad for how the god of this age has blinded so many to the truth and reality of a loving and living God.

I weep for Christians who are in prison and being persecuted for their faith.

How I mourn the disconnection of humanity. Many interactions seem fueled by fear and hate.

I hate the apathy I see in myself.

It hurts to see mentally ill people not able to get the help they need.

I am sorry for all the time-wasting pursuits I have been involved with in my personal life.

I am sorrowful at the hold my phone has over me at times.

I grieve the violence that our children have witnessed and how it changes them.

I lament my own lack of motivation in studying and understanding the truth.

It disgusts me to see how vulgar our culture has become.

Crying out with my voice

A prayer, based on Psalm 142

Lord, I cry out to You loudly and to You I make known my requests. I bring You my complaint and my trouble and I pour these out before You without holding back. When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, I was comforted because You knew my path. Even if others have set traps for me, You know the way. There is no one who sees me, safe places have failed me and no one even cares for my soul. So, I cry and call out to You, Father! I say to You that You are my safe place. You are all I need. Please see to me because I am brought so low. Please deliver me from those who persecute me, because they are stronger than me. Bring my soul out of this prison, so I can praise You. I know You will deal well with me and surround me with your chosen ones.


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