April 26 Wednesday Weeping
The grief in my heart
In my first weeping post, I let you know my thoughts on lament here. And I talked about the importance of the Psalms. It is my hope to create space each week to bring our sorrows before our Father and one another.

Sorrowful soul
How can we so easily call good evil and evil good?
Why would freed people want to return to bondage?
Where are the men full of courage, provision and protection?
Why has contempt for our brothers and sisters become the norm?
How does the evil one continue to claim ground even when we know he is defeated?
When will You make all things right?
What is unforgiveness doing to our lives and our gathering spaces in our churches?
How can I bring change to my space in life?

A Prayer, based on Psalm 102
Lord, Father, hear my cry and let me come to You. Please don’t hide Your face from me in my day of trouble. Would you turn Your ear to me and in the day that I call to You, answer me quickly! My days are eaten up like smoke and my bones are burned and my heart is stricken and withered up like grass. I even forget to eat. I lie awake and cannot seem to find rest anywhere! I can’t take pleasure in anything and my tears ruin the taste of food in my mouth. Oh, Lord everything is terrible and awful to me.
But You, perfect Father, You endure always! Your name will not be forgotten now, or in future generations. You will arise and have mercy and show favor. You will conquer and triumph to show everyone they should fear Your name, even all the kings of the earth will see Your power. You listen and answer the prayer of the poor, destitute and needy. You don’t despise these prayers. Even though You are enthroned in Your sanctuary, You hear the groaning of the prisoner and You release those in prison.
Lord, You are always the same and You are eternal. You want our praise, and we give it to You, O Father.
What do you lament? Leave a comment below.