August 24 Thanksgiving Thursday
So much to say, and yet somehow words are failing me. I will turn to thanksgiving and offer what I have to the eternal, magnificent Father.

I am so thankful for the small and hidden work that is always going on around me. This is true in the temporary realm as a reflection of the eternal realm.
I am deeply grateful for the never-ending supply of grace and mercy flowing from the throne above.
I can feel the happiness and joy bubble up in the presence of good friends who listen, laugh and do their best to love me.
How sweet the privilege of prayer, and how thankful I am when I can see the answers and rejoice in my Father’s faithfulness.
Freedom! What a gift I often take for granted or ignore.
Blessing of blessings to walk with my children in the Spirit and watch their understanding and wisdom grow.
Pumpkin spice coffee is a tangible reminder of the refreshment that comes to me this time of year; so glad!
It is an honor to listen to others in their stories, and I am grateful our Father knows all of us and is faithful, capable and kind as He leads us along.
Particularly thankful for taste buds, and all the variations of flavors and textures in our foods and drinks. Delicious!
Your Word, Lord, I am so incredibly thankful for Your Word.

A prayer based on Psalm 150
Praise You Lord! I praise You in Your sanctuary, and praise You in Your mighty heavens! I praise You for your mighty acts and according to Your excellent greatness! I would praise You with every instrument there is: trumpet sounds, piano, flute, harp, tambourine, clarinet, drums and loud sounding, clashing cymbals! I would praise You with dance. Let everything that has breath join in and praise the Lord! Praise You, Lord!
Add your thanksgiving in the comments below.