Behold our God
This song is marvelous.
He is worthy.
This song is marvelous.
He is worthy.
One of my favorite things is reading. I remember completing reading challenges in school for prizes of pizza, book fair certificates, tickets to ball games and just the fun of keeping a list. I had a grandfather that fostered my love of reading. He would take me to used bookstores around his home (sometimes we…
I had another conversation this week with The Adapter about how intensely our feelings can wash over us. Me and her. Like two peas in a pod, really. In The Rest of the Gospel by Dan Stone and Greg Smith/David Gregory, he talks about the soul being like a swing. It can sometimes swing wildly,…
This comes from a musical that was recorded in 1996 entitled: “Emmanuel: A Musical Celebration of the Life of Christ.” I remember this was also around the time when contemporary Christian artists were also updating Handel’s “Messiah”, as the “New Young Messiah” tour in the mid-90s. Each of these musicals is rich in scripture and…
Whew! 2023 was certainly an unexpected roller-coaster ride of a year. I am incredibly thankful for all of the prior preparation in my life that came before the experiences of the year. This chunk of time became a gift from my Father, simply because I can say I know Him better. I have longed to…
Hoo-boy! Right now, this is my favorite. I don’t have many more words tell you how music just takes everything that is rambling around in my brain and soul, and then packages the thoughts and feelings into an offering of thanksgiving, praise, and beautiful rejoicing. The beginning of this video has a beautiful background story…
The Lord led me to this song while I was searching for another. It is catchy smash-up of lots of scripture that also captures the artist’s life experience. When we read God’s Word and He assimilates it into our everyday life, that is His Truth and His Spirit at work. I like how this tune…