
How to find your rhythm

Precious reader, can I write to you in real time? This week has been a topsy-turvy week for us. Things are just different. As a family, we are fine; as individuals, we are each entering and adjusting to new seasons. I noticed something “off” in my soul this past week, and for a couple of days, I was panicked. Then, I realized, I am simply absorbing the change around me, and it’s time for a new rhythm. I basically need to adapt to this section or season of my life. I’m writing about what this looks like, sounds like and feels like to me. In this post, rhythm means the general structure of my life. It can be my loose schedule of going to bed or getting up, what I’m reading, how I’m spending my time in leisure activities, how I’m interacting with my family members, and even what my homemaking activities look like. All of these things contribute to an overall rhythm of life. I find that I often get these things set in an auto-pilot mode, and then all of a sudden, there’s a turbulence that won’t correct. That’s when I know I need to have a conversation with my Maker.

Oftentimes, change is hard. However, there are lots of little changes daily, and so I know I am capable to accept, adapt and flow with change. This week, though, those little changes morphed into some bigger things. I am talking about a general direction in life. As a child of the Father, I sometimes experience a disconnect in my life in relation to the truth of His Word, and this week was one of those times. It’s when my experience seems to be contradictory to His Truth, and I will tell you…it’s always me who is wrong, misinformed or misunderstanding. His grace is abundant and His mercy is everlasting; He out-waits my crazy disconnect, and always comes running with arms wide open when I return. I am not talking about a foreign-land departure like the younger prodigal son. This type of rhythm adjustment seems more like He is continuing down the path of righteousness, and I stand still, fidgeting with my shoe lace and look up and He’s a few steps ahead. I don’t even want that kind of space between us! As quick as I realize the space, He closes the gap. He is not finicky, moody or ambivalent. He loves me, and pursues my heart, securing my sanctification through His Spirit.

Reality check

I will not gush on details here, but suffice it to say, life is hard. I believe our lives and experiences are meant as opportunities to drive us further into the life of Christ. And when I look at His life, it was hard. However, He couldn’t do anything apart from the Father, and He spent His life on mission, in fellowship and obedience and also in absolute perfection to please His Father. Jesus did this for me. For you. He lived as a pleasing sacrifice so we could, too. This is the life I am living from today. His life. He and I exchanged lives, and I would think I got the better end of the deal, but He would say that He has. This is a delightful truth. I am empowered by a beautiful and supernatural love, and in eternity, “It is finished.” However, I live in the temporary, and my life looks a mess some days. I know I’m not alone. So, I am just going to open up, and tell you how I find or recover my rhythm.

Firstly, I admit I am feeling out of rhythm. “Lord, this is hard, and I feel like I’m out of step.” That’s it. Sometimes, I want to elaborate more. I want to complain, or unburden myself about what exactly feels off. Other times, I am speechless, because it feels too hard, or I simply don’t know the problem. It can just be the whiff of a feeling, or a combination of circumstances, or maybe things have caught up with me; consequences of sin, or just too many days of running hard on little sleep. The point is, it doesn’t matter what I do after admitting my rhythmic disaster. If I feel out of touch, out of step or out of whack, I need to say it out loud to the One who gave His life for me.

Secondly, I remind myself of His promises. He will never leave me or forsake me. He is faithful. He cannot lie. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is my refuge and strength. His name is a strong tower. He is gracious and merciful, abounding in steadfast love. He is my Father, Redeemer, Friend and Comforter. Nothing can thwart His plans. He is my Shepherd, and wants to restore my soul. All of these promises come from His word. I want to build on the Rock of Jesus. Shifting sand doesn’t make a great foundation. I remind myself of the things He has shown me in His Word. His Word is alive and active, and He never changes. As I am reminding myself of Who He is, and what He has promised, there will often be His peace to come to my mind and this is where I can leave my thoughts and feelings. I have found over the years that because I crave understanding, then my Father will lovingly withhold granting me that understanding until my trust is planted in Him. Otherwise, I come to rely on my own understanding, and this puts me on a circular, destructive path into my own resources and capabilities. This is me walking in the flesh, not in the Spirit. Walking in the flesh never pleases my Father. His provision for my walk is Himself. It pleases Him when I walk in Him.

Thirdly, I ask for wisdom, and I expect to receive it. He abundantly and liberally gives to His children. It is His pleasure to be the Eternal Giver. He has always met my need. He sees my life from beginning to end. He is working to conform me into the image of His Son, and He can not fail.

And then I listen. What does my Father have to say about my feelings? What adjustments does He want me to make? Am I just tired? Have I had too much caffeine? (An aside here: Christian brothers and sisters are a beautiful gift. I enjoy conversations with Godly family members more than many things in life. However, when it comes to my personal rhythm, only my Father holds the answer. I can’t tell you how many times I have sought outside counsel and been confused, chained or burdened by well-intentioned, but wrong advice. I don’t isolate myself. After I’ve heard from my Father, I will ask my brothers and sisters for confirmation: Does this line up with God’s Word? Does this keep me in step with the Spirit? More and more, my Father has provided His own confirmation through other people without me having to ask anyone, and that is a spectacular provision of His to keep me walking in His life.)

Choose praise

The last part of the process, our Father worked out in me this week. He asked me for His praise. I had gone through the above conversation with Him, and still my soul was disquieted and squirming within me. When I was alone in my closet with the Lover of my Soul, He gently asked why I was spending my energy on going back over everything. “Beloved, where is your praise of Me?” Oh, Father. How kind and marvelous are His ways. So, I have chosen praise. I am still in the wobbly steps of the new rhythm that this season of my life calls for, and I will praise. He is worthy! He is powerful, mighty and majestic. The foundation of His throne is righteousness, grace and justice. He is perfect, good and forgiving. He is the Restorer, Redeemer and King. He lives, He loves and He will finish the work He started in me.

The failure is not in wobbling. The failure is when I refuse Him. I trust Him enough to fine-tune my rhythm. He will direct my paths. I will trust Him and lean on His understanding. In the meantime, I will praise Him as I am getting used to this new rhythm.

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  1. Thank you for your transparency and candor. Friends and advisors validate and confirm Gods plan for us. Sometimes the easy thing is to take a trusted friends “ you need too”. But GOD speaks!

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