May 3 Wednesday Weeping
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In my first weeping post, I let you know my thoughts on lament here. And I talked about the importance of the Psalms. It is my hope to create space to bring our sorrows before our Father and one another.

Seeping sadness
Oh, the devastation and far-reaching consequences of sin! I hate it!
It seems that evil and wicked people are prospering!
Those who choose to live righteous lives appear to be persecuted and struck down!
I see so many people suffering because of the stupid choices of others!
I get tired of crying tears over brokenness, suffering and sin!

A Prayer, based on Psalm 13
O Lord, how long? Will you forget me forever? Are you hiding your face from me? How long do I have to counsel my own soul, having sorrow daily in my heart? How long will the wicked be exalted over Your righteous? Please God, consider and hear me. Please, Lord. Give truth to my eyes of faith, unless I become so weary as to quit hoping. Keep my enemies from saying they have prevailed against me.
I have trusted in Your mercy, and my heart rejoices in Your salvation. I will sing to You, Lord, because You have dealt perfectly with me.
What do you lament? Leave a comment below.