
Stepping into Spring

picture of dandelion in yard

What can a day hold?

Today is the day after the first day of spring. While the temperature started at freezing, the day has already warmed and the sun is hot in the sky. I step out on the porch, seeking quiet and solitude, and find more noise. And yet, in the deepest part of my spirit, it is quiet. The truth? My Father sees me, and He grants me more of His kindness. A bluebird, hopping from the poplar tree to the ground. Quick in his movements, and satisfying his hunger. Aware that if he lingers, he may satisfy a hawk’s hunger. The Savior spoke of birds. Sparrows. How His Father sees them, too. Ah, Lord, what can a day hold?


These days of changing seasons is when I choose to examine the rhythms of my home. Will we keep the same routines? Should we add anything to our day? Or is it better to let something go? The kids are eager to play outside, and still learning and chores beckon undone. How will the structure of our schedule need to change? And I take these questions to paper, and take that paper to my Father. Small things, really, and yet He sees them: the equivalent of sparrows? My comfort in the change is His Presence. He resides with me, keeps me and sings over me. These changes in the rhythms of home are sometimes subtle, like adding another instrument to the song already playing. Other times, the change is dramatic; like changing the song completely. Lately, this worries me less and less. There is incredible grace with my Father. He is the author, and it is okay to wait for His next installment. I find myself humming a little tune to myself, and realize He’s given me a new song. He’s seen my questions and He’s answered abundantly.

Newness of Life

This rhythmic living is new to me. I like it. I used to be so focused on the tasks at hand, and while that allowed me to get a lot done, I missed so much. I’ve heard lots of pithy sayings: Quality over Quantity, Faith over Fear, Let Go and Let God. And yet, all of those are condensed, tired and wrung out shells of the truth. Life is so much more than any of those. When I embarked on this journey originally, there was certainly faith. And along the journey, the fears have crept in. With age, I’ve realized fear will always be present with me, but my Father wants it directed His way. When I was buried with Christ, I was raised to walk in newness of life. That newness is like the spring. Some areas still seem dead, some areas seem too early: like the hosta that has crowned just a week too early by my estimation; today the crown is burned by frost and freezing temperatures. Newness of life is on a different calendar, directed and created by a Different One, and my responsibility is to keep walking. I want to be present in this moment, this day, and allow the worries of tomorrow to stay there. I keep discovering that the newness of life is precisely…New.


My life is lived by faith in Another, and that is where I am learning the rhythm. He walks and stops, rises early and sleeps late. He enjoys music, makes music and yet, He also likes silence. There are no formulas, no 12-step plans, no gold stars for lists accomplished. It is a constant tuning-into. Listening beyond the static of my soul, and hearing His voice deep, in my spirit…”Come to me all you who are weary…” And with the warm winds of spring, accompanied by tiny birds, I come. Realizing that winter left me tired and discouraged, and this light, this warmth, the budding of new life in nature, is mirrored in my life, my mind and my understanding. I willingly relinquish the illusion of control in my life and relax in the realization that I belong to Another. He is merciful and kind, abounding in love and slow to anger. In my unsettled-ness of sensing New life, and listening for His rhythm, I acknowledge that all the resources I need are found in Him. I belong here.

Would you join me?

Precious reader, did you make it this far? I hope you can feel the warm winds of spring breathing across your soul. Your life has a rhythm, a meaning and a purpose. If you know my Father, you know that truth. And if my Father is still pursuing you, He’s tender in His pursuit. You are a cherished child, and you are loved. You are on a journey, and the resources available to you are the same for me. Could we walk this road together? Would you be my partner and faith-friend while on this quest? This world is not our home, we are heading for the eternal. And learning the rhythms here, in this temporary realm, will help us enjoy the detours, interruptions and meanderings ahead of us.

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  1. Thank you for this beautiful reminder of being present in the moment, remembering who truly is in control, the Lord! This worldly culture begs for our attention each day, but it is in His Presence we find the peace and solitude for our souls! “Listening for His rhythm” for my life, will reveal purpose and meaning. Absolutely yes to your invitation!

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