
2023: A year of reading

2023: A year of reading

Whew! 2023 was certainly an unexpected roller-coaster ride of a year. I am incredibly thankful for all of the prior preparation in my life that came before the experiences of the year. This chunk of time became a gift from my Father, simply because I can say I know Him better. I have longed to…

My reading from 2022

My reading from 2022

Was 2022 really just last year? How does time just compress and spread out, speed up and slow down all at the same time? Last year was a blur. I encountered a lot of healing, my Father confirmed His voice to me again and some more. I still faced fall-out from 2020 and 2021. Life…

My list of books from 2021

My list of books from 2021

Man. Just looking back at my Bible from 2021, I am moved to grief. So much loss that year. And regularly interspersed was healing, bright spots and reminders from my loving Father. I stored those moments like treasure in my heart by documenting…but, in the moment, my whole being hurt. Hurt from every direction. Every…

Reading list from the past

Reading list from the past

One of my favorite things is reading. I remember completing reading challenges in school for prizes of pizza, book fair certificates, tickets to ball games and just the fun of keeping a list. I had a grandfather that fostered my love of reading. He would take me to used bookstores around his home (sometimes we…