
You are not a disappointment

You are not a disappointment

You are not a disappointment. You do not disappoint God. God cannot be disappointed. And He especially would not be disappointed in you. Look it up in the dictionary: Disappointment is a feeling of dissatisfaction. Or the response to failure. Or the feeling after expectations have not been met. I want you to see this…

In the valley

In the valley

You are not alone, my friend. You are not abandoned or forgotten. And although you may feel the grief will swallow you whole, I know you have a Friend who sticks closer than a brother. I pray you find comfort and peace in the midst of the roiling sadness. I pray you walk through this…

The answer is a Person

The answer is a Person

I have had several aha! moments over the past few weeks. There has also been a definite change in the winds that pass over my spirit. There have been times of intense meditation, and also lazy drifting in my mind. I have slacked in some areas that are normally very rigid, and experienced an increased…

I walk with you

I walk with you

My son. My heart aches for you. This life is hard, and there are so many voices competing for your attention. I will guide you, teach you, love you and walk with you. We will take the lonely road, leaving the crush of bodies enjoying their broad road. We will turn off to a narrow…

When condemnation stalks

When condemnation stalks

The haunting specter of condemnation hounded my thoughts this week. Insidious and persistent in its attacks, it focused its force on memories of the past. I experienced seeing the faces of friends long gone, because I walked out and walked away, without so much as a backward glance. I heard snippets of hard and terrible…

I thought wrong

I thought wrong

Interesting fact: March 21 will be a year since I’ve been writing for myself in a public space. This writing has been an exercise of trust and obedience with my Father. I don’t have a great planning system, or a long stretch of finished posts ready to go. I have felt like I am scratching…