soul language

Wash away my shame

Wash away my shame

Precious reader, are you carrying shame? Our Savior died to make you free from that burden. I have found the more willing I am to be identified with Jesus in His life and death, the easier it is for Him to teach me. There is a desire for humility in many Christians, but we resist…

Any more

Any more

I tell my children, “There’s nothing you can do to make me love you any more or any less than I do right now.” I tell them what my Father has told me. Once He has brought us into His family, we are His. He is not looking for us to mess up so He…

Even when you’re running

Even when you’re running

This is for you, my friend. I can see your shoulders slumped from all the disappointments and unexpected hardships. Every road seems blocked and the detour is under construction. You feel alone and hurt, and anger is at the surface in every conversation. I see you turning to the pitiful comforts of this temporary world,…

Be still my soul

Be still my soul

I had another conversation this week with The Adapter about how intensely our feelings can wash over us. Me and her. Like two peas in a pod, really. In The Rest of the Gospel by Dan Stone and Greg Smith/David Gregory, he talks about the soul being like a swing. It can sometimes swing wildly,…

When I’m with You

When I’m with You

I’ve written here about how I listen to a CD. It is on repeat until most of the songs are memorized. When I get tired of the CD, or get a new one, I simply put the old away and move along. When I pull the old out again, memories of the time period I…



My feelings tend toward the melancholy right now. This song has been on repeat, and I see different scenes in my mind when I listen. Sometimes it’s the throne room in Revelation. Other times I see Jesus on the back of a donkey, riding into Jerusalem. Sometimes I’m at the manger, sometimes at the Cross….