I mostly listen to music in an old fashioned way, usually from a CD. I pop the CD in the player and play it over and over and over, until I can sing along with every song. Then, I listen to the CD some more. While my kids are usually eager and willing participants, I can tell when I’ve worn them out, because they’ll request a change. We all really enjoy music, and I am thankful God has gifted so many humans with capturing ideas into memorable words and melodies that remain in my mind and in my soul.
I wanted to share this one with you, because I think sometimes, while I’m mindlessly (after the 999th repeat) humming along to the song, the words are finding their way into my soul and rearranging things for an eternal and life-giving purpose. I hope you enjoy.
I encourage you to read Zechariah 4 (especially verse 6) for some of the context of the words for this song. While the words “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,” were originally spoken to Zechariah to relay to Zerubbabel, I do believe these words are applicable in the life of Christ-followers…
I pray you are blessed by this. As I met with other Christian women this past week, we all agreed there has been a disruption in the spiritual realm that we can sense in our own spirits. I am so thankful to be able to immerse myself in my Father’s Word, and remember the Messiah…
One of my favorite things is reading. I remember completing reading challenges in school for prizes of pizza, book fair certificates, tickets to ball games and just the fun of keeping a list. I had a grandfather that fostered my love of reading. He would take me to used bookstores around his home (sometimes we…
Was 2022 really just last year? How does time just compress and spread out, speed up and slow down all at the same time? Last year was a blur. I encountered a lot of healing, my Father confirmed His voice to me again and some more. I still faced fall-out from 2020 and 2021. Life…
2020: This was the longest decade of my life. The year seemed to drag on and on and on. It was used as an uncovering and discovering tool in my life for good and bad. I can remember my emotions being yanked all over the place. I can remember how many new innovations and rhythms…
Whew! 2023 was certainly an unexpected roller-coaster ride of a year. I am incredibly thankful for all of the prior preparation in my life that came before the experiences of the year. This chunk of time became a gift from my Father, simply because I can say I know Him better. I have longed to…
What a wonderful song. Sara and I enjoyed the song and the video. ♥️
What a wonderful song. Sara and I enjoyed the song and the video. ♥️
I am so glad. I thought the audio and the visual together were powerful.