
Thoughts while reading: 1 Peter 4

Peter was a changed man. I heard his words in my spirit this morning, and could sense the heavy truth of his words completely infused with the Word and Truth Himself. Peter, who had led the charge against the idea of a suffering Messiah, came to see suffering as a hallmark of walking in the Way. He learned this truth in a humiliating way, was sifted by Satan, and yet, when the lump in him was revealed, He simply handed it over to Jesus and allowed his Savior to break that lump into pieces He could use. What a testimony. I don’t want to miss what the Lord is doing in my own life because I won’t let go of my own notions and ideas of the “right” way of the kingdom. I see that Jesus is the answer to everything question I have. He’s come to reconcile me to the Father, so that wholeness, peace, completeness can be realized in my life: Now.

When I read God’s Word, I must remind myself to look for Jesus. I am concerned that there is too much moralizing done these days, where we are focused on good behavior and simply acting like our Bible heroes. The Bible is not a self-help book that we read, get helpful principles and then appropriate these step-by-step into our lives. I cannot simply insert myself into every line of the text. We read the Bible to meet God (of whom Jesus is the fullest and most perfect incarnation: literally God in a body), and we learn who He is. Then we can discern His ways in our lives. If you’ve trusted Christ for your own, as an entrance into the eternal, you have been sealed with His Spirit. Your spirit has awakened to know Truth.

The thoughts below are mine. I did not consult a commentary or use a study Bible. I was just reading through the Bible plan I have for this year, and it was like this chapter was illuminated by Spirit Light during my reading. I have jotted my thoughts, and provided references when I could, but there is nothing special here. It’s just a way of recording what I saw and heard in my spirit. If you’re interested in commenting with your thoughts, I would like to read them. I would also encourage you to read the entire book of 1 Peter. You can gain a better understanding of how chapter 4 fits into the overall letter he was writing.

1 Peter 4 link

v 1: my brain is part of my body and has old habits programmed in, so I must be willing to develop the mind of Christ in me. It is like a weapon: arm yourselves with the same way of thinking! I cherish my time in His Word because that is where His thinking is revealed.

v 2: Galatians 2:20. Paul and Peter are in harmony about what it means to trust Christ’s life and live in Him. Thank you for the Spirit who harmonizes His people and their message of Him.

v 3-5: the past is past. Move forward and expect that former worldling friends and watching pagans will speak ill of you, but they will ultimately give account.

v 6: The gospel is eternal. Everyone has had the chance to hear it, life is in the Spirit of God.

v 7: Don’t be a Chicken Little. We who are of the Spirit can quit with the fear-mongering, running around like panicked fools. We will look like we are under the control of the Victor. Our prayers can be motivated by the Victory we have tasted, not the fleeting mess of this current time.

v 8: LOVE. Love is the call. Let’s love intentionally with energy, and with the thought of helping one another in our sin and failure.

v 9: Button your lips or bite your tongue. Invite people into your space and graciously bear with them, as they are.

v 10-11: God’s gifts are given in a variety of ways to a variety of people. We’ve been given these gifts to serve each other. When this is happening, God is glorified. This glorification reminds us all glory and authority belong to Him forever!

v 12: The fiery trials of suffering are promised, and yet the promise of God is to be with me in the fire. Of course I think of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

v 13: I can go so far as to rejoice, take joy AGAIN in these sufferings, because I’m sharing in Christ’s life! This miraculously becomes part of His glory.

v 14: Sufferings and insults are blessings. In this verse the name of Christ, the Spirit of Power and God are all named. This seems to bring credibility and weight to the idea that insults for the name of Christ are blessings.

v 15-16: Do stupid stuff; win stupid prizes. It is not commendable to practice life as a common worldling separated from the Father and then take pleasure in suffering the natural consequences of sin assuming it’s His discipline. I should be living as Jesus, so that I’m not ashamed for Him, allowing Him to search my heart and change my mind to be consistent with His.

v 17-18: Judgement is coming, and it starts at the house of God. Not that we’ll be barely saved, but it will always be by faith, and if we’re not practicing our living by faith, how will the ungodly know to be saved?

v 19: The God who keeps my soul, even with it’s distraction, distress and disease is faithful. He heals and mends and never leaves, and determines my particular path. He is ultimately faithful to Himself and His Word. If He said it, it must be true, and I can believe it by the faith He gives.

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