
Toss it all

This is the “New Year” for me. Once the mornings hold the chill of autumn, my whole self becomes re-energized, and I can look forward to the changes my Father wants to bring into my life. This is when I take all of the parts, like changing, colorful, or sometimes dry, brittle leaves in my hands and toss them up, looking to see what comes back down, what blows away, and what may stay suspended for a bit. While this practice is something I do in the fall with most of my life’s contents, I am constantly evaluating and on alert throughout the year for any changes that need to be made. I find that the right time for change is now or never. While this may sound simple, it is not easy. Each year, there are things I find that I hold to, even though I know the season of usefulness has passed by.

What to consider first?

Usually, the place I start examining and praying over is my time with the Lord. I enjoy Bible reading plans, and some sort of predictable format as a starting place each day. I have become much less rigid in this area, but can also see how I may be more structured here than most people I know. I try to remain open and flexible year-round during meetings with my Father, and I have seen huge changes in myself in this area. This year, I have an ambitious reading plan going, and I would love to continue it into 2024, and yet, the boys have asked if I would read through the Bible with them, at their pace, on their schedule. Yes!, my mind screams, and then I wonder if I should try it all. Keep my plan and add theirs? Also, I am using an external journaling calendar to keep my Bible notes and the highlights of our days. I have liked this for the most part, but it adds one more thing to carry along if I travel or go away for a couple of days. Should I re-incorporate my journaling to the Bible I am using for 2024? Speaking of Bibles, do I continue with the one I have, or invest in a new one? I have had a different Bible each year since 2019, I think. I really would like to settle down and see years worth of notes develop in one place, and yet…There are decisions to be made, and I want to listen to my heavenly Father. Sometimes He simply lets me wait, and I just move along as best I know how.

I write all these questions in my journal, or on a sheet of paper, and carry it with me to my closet. I scan the list and ask and wait. I fill up the sheet with all the questions I have for the upcoming year.

Here are more questions I have, and things I consider:

Homeschooling subjects, organization, schedule, and objectives.

Our home rhythms, such as chores, meal planning, organization, dietary needs, day-to-day framework and activities.

My own activities that take my time and energy, hobbies, how I spend my time, parameters for using technology, ministry opportunities, dreams and personal goals.

Kids activities, their development as people and spiritual beings, fun stuff, rhythms in their days and weeks.

Family dynamics and how we spend time together. Books to read, shows to watch, games to play, places to visit, and so much more.

Revisiting our home budget for how we’re using the money we’ve been given.

I also look back over the last few years worth of lists, and see if anything was cut out of my life that needs to make a comeback…gardening, crafting, and other seasonal things that may be welcome as part of the new rhythm.

No time limit

While this is the time of year I toss it all, I don’t really have an absolute start date in mind. Some of these changes and activities may start January 1 of the next year, and yet some things may begin immediately. There is something about the cool wind blowing through the trees and watching the autumnal colors seep through nature that brings my soul peace. Knowing that I have harvested most of the current year, I take the time to plant the seeds for the next. I have sown seeds of eternal significance into the safety of the Spirit’s garden, and He will cause a harvest to rise after the soil has gone hard and cold and seemingly dead. By putting in the effort with my Father during the fall, I truly sense anticipation by the time December rolls around and we celebrate the Advent. This is a welcome transition, and I am hopeful.

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