
Wash away my shame

Precious reader, are you carrying shame? Our Savior died to make you free from that burden. I have found the more willing I am to be identified with Jesus in His life and death, the easier it is for Him to teach me. There is a desire for humility in many Christians, but we resist being humiliated. I often think if I can simply live Jesus’s life, things would be easy. However, as I walk with Him, I learn how exalted He truly was because of His willingness to be utterly humiliated. He was willing to identify with us, and yet, I only want to pick and choose the parts of Him to identify with. I’m happy to be spitting rebukes at the snake-like Pharisees, but hesitate at washing the feet of friends who have betrayed me or misunderstood me. I am happy to claim the victory, but balk at walking the dusty roads of obscurity.

Talking this week with a beautiful sister, and when she recounted her trials of the last few years, it was like a synopsis from the life of Christ. Here she was, convinced she had caused her own suffering, when really, the Son of God’s footsteps criss-crossed her life. She had been offered the identity of her Savior, and she was in danger of missing it, simply because her shame blinded her to the redemption that was hers. She had been chosen to walk this path, invited to a deeper relationship with a life-giving Father, and she was concerned she wasn’t good enough.

Wash away our shame, Father. Remind us that Christ has triumphed over all enemies, and that You are the One who now wields shame as a weapon. And Your weapons are not pointed toward Your children. Jesus’s life was to give us life and give it abundantly. Come to the altar, friend, and realize how completely you have been saved. The buckets of your shame are washed away by His Living water. Glory and praise to the Father.

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  1. I loved that song! I could see the kids rocking out to it and singing along. My sweet friend you are such a joy!

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